★The "Another Guy" ; The Devil Demon
My Lovely Angels,
I promise y'all to story mory about the "another guy" that I have a crush on recently kan?
On the previous post. Haha.
Well let me introduce him a little.
I called him, Daimon Akuma
Daimon = Demon
Akuma = Devil
Yes, he's the demon devil.
Same age as me.
He pulled me to play this game called Dota2.
(Shitty guy)
My friend called him the "bad boy" and the "fuckboy" hahaha
because he's the devil!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also he is a Tsundere. *w*)
Well you look at the devil.
At first we met online, yea.
(He isn't my boyfriend.)
He kept asking me about this Dota2 thingy.
He forced me to play Dota2.
Tbh, I have a little interest in play them because I played League of Legends (LOL) too.
So I downloaded it and played in party with him and his friend.
We played until morning (same as it is now)
Sometimes after the game, we chatted until dawn hahaha
And the next morning, we chatted about what happened this and that
sometimes about anime.
I asked him if he had a girlfriend and he said
"why the hell would I want a girlfriend? Dota is love."
"nah, too lazy to treat a girlfriend. Later always busy on her. Do this, do that. Emo sometimes"
Well he got point there.
At that time, I was really art block. I can't draw anything but after I met this "DEVIL"
...sort of change it. Now I can draw like always.
My life was miserable back then, thinking that maybe I already lost my talent.
But now I'm back, I felt so grateful.
Thanks to him.
Thank you, Akuma-kun.
I've got so many things to tell y'all.
I'll tell y'all about what conversation I had.
Well, don't felt weird.
We do cursed a lot to each other.
It's just that's how he treated me, and I treated him the same way.
So it won't be awkward and I don't have to be soooo feminine.
I'm not girly enough.
Even my mom and my cousin said I'm half half.
Which mean, I am a girl but behave sometimes like a boy.
And I don't actually disagree with that.
Wait till my next post.
Tq Lovely Angels.

★What happen last year?
Haven't update since forever
I'm surely forgot about y'all, lovely angels.
Long time no update ^^
I'm really busy last year, couldn't even touch the laptop. So many pressure in study.
Moushiwake gozaimasu ( I'm deeply apologize )
Things happen.
Again, there's never ending topic in my blog, right? hahaha.
I met someone online like my previous some guys I like.
He was gentle, he chase me, but I didn't gave in.
Lastly I told myself maybe I should try out to be with him so I did.
And yeah, he was a nice guy, we actually rp a lot. But that one day I was so emotional, he got really worried. I need some attention but he wasn't there, he ran away.
I tried to overcome my problem and comfort him.
That moment I realized...
Funny, but I stayed with him.
And another thing came to me like someone threw a rock to my head.
And someone just stabbed my heart with an arrow.
"I don't like fat girls, they don't suit with me"
Tbh, I'm kinda chubby but an active girl.
That was really hit me deeply.
Like for real.
It hurts.
The Critical Moment
It was when I was on my vacation, I chatted with him.
He looks like he dislike me already.
He didn't treat me like he used to.
He told there's a girl flirted with him.
He couldn't refuse.
I got really jealous, mad and upset.
My chest was tightening, it's really painful.
I just gave up, but I still stay.
I told him just ignore her. It seems like he enjoyed.
The Final Moment
It was morning, we were lacking our confidence. I knew he really not interested in me anymore.
I said to him, for the sake of my studies this year, I'm gonna deactive the account.
"I'll see you after a month."
But the next day, I felt something was not right. I active my account and I found myself that he removed his relationship status... to single.
My heart was heavy, I can't breath right.
My chest was tightening again, felt really heavy.
I didn't felt like crying.
I was angry.
Guess what? After a month, I finally active and I stalked him.
He already had another girl.
Fcking biatch!
After another few months, he changed girls.
That's what you should deserve!
But I did sent him a few messages after what he did to me, pretending that I cared for him so much due to his " heartbreaking moment " LOL.
Wasn't my intention. HA HA HA!
He said, he missed our rp. He missed our moment.
And then, this one time I saw he found another girl and I blocked him once again.
I declare that I finally, completely, 100% moved on!
That's where I met... another guy CIA CIA CIA xDDD
I'll tell y'all about him in another posts.
Stay tuned c:

★Dreaming of you.
Heyyo Lovely Angels,
Hahaha I didn't go anywhere today .
Anyways, I have a story, well. 3 short stories.
From my.. YUME! (DREAM!)
As much as I concern, I think I did tell y'all about my crush. My sensei, physic sensei at tuition.
Well let just call him Lance.
I did dream about him a long time ago, although he is already married *crais*
But still tho, It is not possible to have a crush on him..~
My first dream
It was a trip from my tuition centre to another tuition centre.
Lance was there with another few teachers like Mr. Ben and others. We entered the centre just after we arrived. The centre looked cool, with carpet. We can rolling on it and lay with friends.
Actually there was a speech about I don't know, but!
The more it got longer, it get so bored.
Then I was take a nap on the carpet with other students while they also look at the speech show.
A few minutes later, I blinked my eyes then I tilted to my side,
I saw Lance slept beside me.
Beside him, it was Mr. Ben. Both of them quite handsome and cute. Everyone knows that Mr. Ben has a good body and muscles. How can't we students called him Sado.
While Lance is just an intelligent funny teacher.
His clever jokes gets me sometimes, at the moment I realize that..
I was in love with him.
We often make an eye contact but what to do.. he's married.
My second dream
It was a few days ago.
I was laying on the bed, snuggling happily.
I realized Lance was beside me, taking a nap.
We were just joking and laughing due the sweet moments.
I was teasing him, telling him that I want electrified him
( I know that sounds weird. )
He was laying facing the ceiling while I was snuggling beside him closer.
I was enjoying staring at him face.
My heart was racing and whispered..
" Lance, I'm glad you are here with me. I like you so much... "
My third dream
I think it was yesterday's morning.
We were at the boat with another students and lecturers.
It was a long dream but what I remember was horror.
I was searching for a room where my family was there at the hotel but the hotel looks like a mall.
They said my room at Jalan Delima.But when I went there it was like,..
We were at the boat, I saw you were walking with Mr. Ben.
Then the students went to you both like a fangirl.
I was in the crowd trying to reach you, it was birthday celebration .
You and Mr. Ben.
Then , I saw one of the student, a girl was holding your arm but you didn't noticed.
She was putting her head on your shoulder.
I went somewhere else and celebrate my friend's birthday instead of yours.

★New Crush : FORBIDDEN...
Nee Lovely Angel,
I miss you!
When I opened back and read my old post, I was like
"Wow , I'm suffering this much"
But when I look at the current me now I felt blessed.
Now, I now something I wanna tell you and you'll felt like
Yesssssss but this one for sure, I can't get him to be with me.
Because he is a married man T^T)
It's okay brossss~
I know I cannot but it is not wrong to fall in love.
I would say I have a crush on him.
It's okay tho, bcs it's a PURE CRUSH XDD
Anyway, he is my lecturer. He teaches Physics.
The way he makes Physics so simple to learn and to understand that..
so clever! That what's make him more attractive.
He is still studying tho for Master and PHD , I think.
I pretty have a bad taste, people thought that he is not that hansome
but for me, he is cute.
How could I not have a crush on him :)
Last 4 weeks and continued until 2 last weeks
we had the same colour shirt.
Such a little thing makes me happy X)
I never expect for him to comment at my facebook but
I made this two pages of comic that I want to send to school magazine
and it is about him, teaching us about FLEMING RIGHT/LEFT HAND RULE!
Hehehe, and he commented and says
" Wow, so handsomeeeeeeeeeeee, thx"
I was like
Hahahaha I was so happy back then thinking that
"Oh he won't notice"
But next week, I attended his class and he talked about the comic that I made
"There is a comic that my student make about me ahh, I am so handsome there you know, she draw so well"
I was sitting there in front of him and he didn't know that it was me draw that comic.
I'm about to raise my hand but I didnt.
SO SHY X)))))
But again, I'm happy :)
Past three days, I attended again.
Then I saw he came early and went to the counter.
He took out his notes.
But suddenly he's trying to go to me but he go back.
Then he stood near to me ( I buat don't know jeh hahaha)
He pats me with his note and says
"Have I give this note last week?"
I'm a bit shocked. Awkwardly shocked.
"This?" He flipped inside the note.
Then he went back to the counter, and I was there like want to bury my face in the ground and scream " WAAAAAAAHHHHH"
I was sitting near the "KIOSK" entrance.
He went to the Kiosk and bought something.
I scrolled my phone screen and stopped at the picture that I made a comic about him
(that I mentioned just now)
Without noticing, he was at my back and pointed at my phone screen and says
"I am so handsomeeee"
And I was there like blushing and laughing a bit.
I looked at him while laughing, and other people around there also laughed.
And I said " I draw this.."
He said
"REALLYY?! I thought it was someone else"
he kept laughing.
So did I.
Then in the class, my friend asked him
"Sir , do you know who make that comic?"
"Yes I already know"
he searched for me by looking at the whole class
" It's uhhh......"
Then he saw me and pointed at me.
I can't stop smiling from that day.
I felt so happy I could die.
It was the best weeks of my life :)
i never thought that this things would happen to me but it was the best :)

★To DoubleYou and Ryo
I'm in the middle of the exam.
Gawd.. form 4 -,-
Anyways, hey there Lovely Angels.
Long time no see. Its been a year? I guess haha.
My life is messing now.
Prince Arab left me a longgggg time ago.
And I met this guy called Ryo, now he said he loves me.
But sometimes he acts like he don't.
I once have feelings for him and now I'm trying to stay away from that feelings thingy. I don't hate him, its just.. he is like a playboy. Hanging around with girls like he wants to be popular around girls.
He said he wants to marry me and he will promise. Ahh, I even can tell that's just being an attention seeker. Sometimes he talks about another girls and he add me the group where there is a girl and said I am his wife. Hmph~
Then I get along with him, but sometimes he reminds me of Prince Arab.
Now Prince Arab came back!! Wtf!
Ughhh... I wish I never met Ryo and Prince Arab. Never.
If he ever read this,
To Prince Arab,
I'm sorry. I admit that you.. are the sweetest thing, sweetest person I have ever met in my life. Indeed, I miss our memories. If we really have a chance to stay together, Im really happy with it. But I already move on. Sorry and Goodbye. May your moment of happiness be with someone else. I've always love you, and I keep faith to you that somebody will love you more than I am. Good luck! Waleed >:)
To Ryo,
You're good. But pls learn more about girls feelings. I'm not saying that you are bad, its just.. you are acting like a playboy although you are not. Thats why sometimes I hate you sometimes I'm not. I didnt mean to hurt you but that's all I can say. You made my day everyday. Yes I was thinking about you, about the future, about the promise, but I am the only one who ruin it now. Yes I am a girl, a girl with a cruel feelings. I sacrifice anything for the one I love. Hehe, Live a better life, peace out!
Kalau ade jodoh, mesti kita akan bertemu. Sorry for leaving you. Its for the best. Dont promise anymore.
Hehe sayang kau sbgai kawan, budak~
P/S : Aida Afiqah-chan will MOVE ON!

★New Life
Dear Lovely Angels,
I have lose him.
Today, I stand straight in front of everybody and I believe I am strong enough to bear the pain.
Human's love can't survive last longer
Prince Arab,
I don't hate you.
I can't hate you.
You are my history.
My best history that I've ever felt in love with.
Maybe we end here.
Hope you can find better girl than me.
Oh wait, you did.
Then, you left her too.
And found someone else.
I must say,
you're kinda playboy.
Sorry to say but..
Although I have less friend, no best friend, I still have me,
I love me >w<
Women must be strong in order to survive.

★Blind girl needs her love back
I always look at the night sky,
thinking and say,
" Hey, are you watching the moon too, Prince Arab? "
Hahaha talk by myself.
Smiling and blushing read our old conversation,
thinking and say,
" Hey, are you miss me so bad like I am now? "
Sometimes I cried because I miss you, hehe.
Go to shop and found Barcelone T-shirt,
thinking and say,
" Hey, I wanna buy this Barcelona too. "
Your favorite team becomes my favorite team too.
Starts to chat with you and all the sweet talks,
thinking and say,
" Hey, love me till the end, okay. "
But it's not happening.
Stalk you and found you like other person,
thinking and say,
" Hey, Am I in your way? "
Although it's hard to bear , I just wanna say,
" Hey, come back to me , love me "
but you didn't...
Now you have new girlfriend,
I just wanna say,
Be happy without me while I'm still standing here like a stupid.
Hmph... Please have fun in your life
No sad , No painful words
If you're sad, feel free to tell me everything
I don't wanna lose you
I will appear as Sakura blossom.
It's the only way to hide the sadness.
Hey Prince Arab,
Can we meet two more years,
Either in Kuwait or in Malaysia..
Perhaps Jordan :)